March 30, 2021
Excerpt: Bensman “They are breaching the Mexican national guard that Joe Biden and his administration have asked Mexico to place on its southern border to stop this sort of thing. So I was wondering, ‘how are they beating this thing? There’s 8,000 troops on Mexico’s southern border….
GJW: “Well, Donald Trump actually asked the Mexican government to do this and did it quite successfully then, did they not?”
Bensman: “They did, and it worked very well at that time, during the Trump administration. But in conjunction with the Remain in Mexico policy, the covid push-backs and the deportations back to Guatemala and Honduras — we were deporting thousands of them back, and that made people down there say, ‘I’m not going to try it; it’s expensive, and I’m going to end up right back home. It’s not going to work. AND, there’s the Mexican national guard.’ Now the national guard is all that’s left, because since Biden removed all those national policies, all that’s left is the national guard, and they’re just passing right over it, through it, under it (chucking)… You know, all of these migrants explained to me that were bribing these guardsmen at the roadblocks for a thousand pesos each, sometimes two or three times at two or three different roadblocks. Sometimes 250 pesos, sometimes a thousand. And also, they were simply able to around them, on their flanks. They’d see them just up ahead… They’d just leave the road a couple hundred yards in. They’d walk around and then rejoin the road. Another way they were getting past is that the Mexican government is providing humanitarian visas to, inexplicably, the people they’re supposed to be stopping. They get these humanitarian visas and they just flash them at the road blocks, and they’re waved through.”