Regarding two Yemeni immigrants caught at the Mexico-California border on the FBI terror watch list:
“What this really shows is that terrorists suspects – jihadist suspects – can and do cross that border. These are hardly rare cases. It happens all year long, every year. People cross this border. It’s a good thing that they caught these guys. It shows that the system is working at the moment. But you never know what you don’t know. Folks like this could evade border patrol and get into the interior and sort of… disappear. Or they may not be on a watch list. Not everybody from Yemen is on a watch list and we have a lot of Yemenis coming in right now because of the civil war. And the civil war has drawn in terrorist organizations on the Shia and on the Sunni spectrum. Everybody’s over there right now fighting. You just don’t know who’s who over there, which Yemenis are coming over the border. And it’s not like you can call the Yemen government and ask for an intel feed.”