Excerpt: “My book, America’s Covert Border War, lays out countless anecdotes of this. This is certainly not anything new to me. It may have been new to (Rep. Kevin) McCarthy and his group but this has been happening since 9/11. The book is really about how the threat was viewed as so significant after 9/11 and all the years since that the US homeland security enterprise rolled out these … counterterrorism programs. I reveal in the book – the near war and the far war. The near war at the border to keep Yemenis like these from reaching it and all throughout the Americas where they are also caught and deported. These two Yemenis laid out in a press release April 5 show that US Border Patrol assigned to El Centro Sector found these guys around Calexico, one of them in January and one of them in March 29… And they are both on the FBI’s terror watch list already, which means that somewhere down the pipeline intelligence agencies or military services or a foreign intelligence group had information about these guys. They could be Houthi rebels. They could be al Qaeda. There are ISIS operatives in Yemen. We don’t know yet from the information that was provided. But one of these two Yemenis was also on the No Fly list, which is a very rarified, high-bar list. You don’t just get on the No Fly list without a lot of vetting, which means one of these guys has to be considered extremely dangerous. Lastly… they were hiding a cell phone sim card in the insole of a shoe. Luckily, we’ve got that, and I’m sure the FBI has completely downloaded that thing by now. So this is a very serious thing, that people on the watch list reach the US border all the time. My book lays it all out, in great detail, of people like this who have been apprehended throughout the Americas by US security intelligence people. And, at the border as well.”