In his December 6, 2022 episode, Fox News editorialist Tucker Carlson played segments of a Todd Bensman report from Mexicali, Mexico, calling it “one of the most important investigations from the border in a long time.”
Tucker Carlson monologue: So what will happen to our economy, which is on the verge of a real downturn? Everyone knows that. Well, let’s see. The average Dreamer is 28-years old. The average income, the median income of Dreamers is $26,000. That’s far lower than the median income of Americans. So that’s not an attack on anybody. It’s only a simple observation. If the country is getting poorer, you probably don’t want a lot more poverty imported.
Again, why is that untrue? Well, it is true, and everyone knows it’s true. And no one has the brass to say it out loud. But it’s real. By the way, we have no idea how many dreamers or other illegal aliens are in this country. The Biden administration has been working with the government of Mexico to hide those numbers for two years now from the public. Well, so much for democracy. The Center for Immigration Studies just exposed this in one of the most important investigations from the border in a long time. Watch.
TODD BENSMAN: After this short bus drive from a Mexican government shelter across from Calexico, California, Mexico’s immigration service will hand them over to their American counterparts and an official port of entry with temporary legal status papers already in their folders. Once CBP processes them in, they’re all released to begin permanent lives working in American cities of their choice. These ones and thousands more entering the same way all along the US-Mexican border won’t have illegally crossed a river, won’t have hiked through brush, and won’t have paid thousands to cartel smugglers. Maybe most importantly, to the Biden administration, they surely won’t end up in the historically swollen, politically problematic, illegal crossing statistics. Instead, Biden’s DHS legalized these people before they could commit the illegal act they intended when they left home. The U.S. Customs and Border Protection pre-approved all of them while they were still in Mexico.
CARLSON: So that was — what’s the word for that — oh, that would be immigration fraud being committed by the Biden administration. Hiding the numbers so you don’t realize how many people are coming into your country illegally. You have no role in this whatsoever. Now, keep that in mind when you learn that the Thom Tillis lame duck bill will include, quote, “$25 to $40 billion for border security.” That’s actually a lot. Not as much as we’re giving to Ukraine because, of course, their borders a lot more important than ours. Shut up, racist. But it is billions more than Donald Trump asked for to build the border wall. And at the time, senators in both parties said that was just way too expensive and racist and people will just build taller ladders. Okay. But now the same group is fine with 40 billion for border security.