TAPACHULA, Mex. — The Biden Harris administration cut a deal with the Mexicans back in December to scoop up tens of thousands of immigrants from the northern provinces, crossing our border, and trapping them way down here in southern Mexico, behind militarized roadblocks. Well, now there’s a new president of Mexico. And these caravans have begun pouring out of the enclave of Tapachula.
Behind me is a caravan of about a thousand people that have been on the road now for about a day and half. Instead of road blocks, the National Guard of Mexico is actually escorting them. Police officers here at this checkpoint, right here, are telling me their orders are to just leave them alone, let them go. Which is something kind of new. If this is a trend, that means that whatever the deal was, that was cut with Biden and Harris, is waning, now.
And all of these people look like they’re probably going to be heading to the U.S. border again. We should start to see the numbers come back up. Maybe just in time for the election. But for eight months they’ve been able to keep tens of thousands of people off our border, and out of news drone sight, because it was a terrible optic. That was the whole point of this operation — which they, by the way, never take ownership of, that they did this diplomatic deal for the political optics. And that’s probably because the Mexicans have not been very nice to the immigrants, as they bring them down south, here.
So, a three thousand-strong caravan left about a week ago, and this one behind me is about a thousand strong. I suspect that they’re probably leaving Tapachula and heading to the border now because they figure, if Trump wins, they’re going to close the gates up there at the U.S. This is such a big American story — there are no reporters here! I can’t believe that there’s nobody on the ground from U.S. media outlets.