Joseph Humire, Executive Director, Center for a Secure Free Society:
“I think you hit the nail on the head Todd when you said there’s equally two wrong reactions to this problem set, that there’re folks to under-value, underestimate this whole thing and say, ‘well, that’s ridiculous if you were to say there are Middle Easterners coming through Central America up through to the border. When it’s truly documented – you’ve done a lot of the great work documenting – that the intelligence community has this intelligence. I think it’s very feasible that, if you’re President of the United States, you have access to this intelligence information. But there’s equally been, I think, this charged rhetoric that over-exaggerates these things, and I think the key to that is the nuance. I think that’s one of the conversations, Todd, we’ve had over the years, and the writings that you’ve published and that I’ve been able to read and that are in this book…what I particularly like is how you document things. Not just by reading what’s on the Internet but you actually go to these countries, interview the migrants, you talk to local officials. You get documents from these officials. And you analyze everything. And a lot of that is in this book. So I highly recommend everyone to purchase this book. I
Joseph Humire, Executive Director, Center for a Secure Free Society:
I think you hit the nail on the head Todd when you said there’s equally two wrong reactions to this problem set, that there’re folks to under-value, underestimate this whole thing and say, ‘well, that’s ridiculous if you were to say there are Middle Easterners coming through Central America up through to the border. When it’s truly documented – you’ve done a lot of the great work documenting – that the intelligence community has this intelligence. I think it’s very feasible that if you’re president of the United States you have access to this intelligence information. But there’s equally been, I think, this charged rhetoric that over-exaggerates these things, and I think the key to that is the nuance. I think that’s one of the conversations Todd we’ve had over the years, and the writings that you’ve published and that I’ve been able to read and that are in this book…what I particularly like is how you document things. Not just by reading what’s on the Internet but you actually go to these countries, interview the migrants, you talk to local officials. You get documents from these officials. And you analyze everything. And a lot of that is in this book. So I highly recommend everyone to purchase this book. It probably has some of the most inciteful, first-hand accounts of what’s going on with our immigration all throughout Latin America and up through to the border and how that migration chain has evolved and can be abused by nefarious actors that are looking to basically sneak illicit actors into the United States. It’s not