Tobler: I don’t know if you’re ready for what we’re going to hear. Every time I talk to Todd Bensman, who’s the senior national security fellow with the Center for Immigration Studies and author of America’s Covert Border War, I get nervous. I thought I got nervous over covid. We’re all nervous about what’s happening at the border in blatant, blatant ignorance of the law. And Todd gets into the stuff that you don’t even hear about … But you’re certainly going to hear about it from Todd, and he joins us now for a discussion of what’s going on. So, in your book, America’s Covert Border War, you chronicle some very frightening things that are going on and really haven’t been widely reported. I’d like you to briefly touch on what’s going on the in abject ignorance by the mainstream media, by the formerly reliable news sources about the porous border. I mean, I don’t know if there’s any screen door at the border; it just seems like an open door. And then, a story I heard the other day that taxpayers are paying to fly illegal immigrants all across the country. And it’s like, do we have any say in this matter if we’re in small-town USA? Help us unpack that, would you?
Bensman: Right, well first of all we have to understand that the Biden administration has swung wide the gates to family units from anywhere in the world. So if you’re in a family unit – mother with child, father with child, mother and father with children, pregnant mother – and you reach the southern border, you are IN. Within a few days you are being released. There’s no detention. There is a process in place to move those people off the border and anywhere near detention facilities. So the best way to do that is to put them on buses. I call it catch-and-bus. And there are buses all along the Texas border, a conveyor belt that has been going on for months where the buses get filled with these families and bused to all points of the country. But some of them need a little extra help when there’s a buildup. One thing the Biden administration doesn’t want to have is overcrowded detention facilities with children in them, right? Little kids in cages.
Host: with the aluminum foil blankets that we’ve seen pictures of, right…
Bensman: So in order to move them, the US government is now using military bases and military facilities and assets to fly those people to other bases around the country where they can be dispersed quietly. But they got caught recently.
So there’s this whole process of, really, hundreds of thousands of people being moved into the country straight from the border.