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Bensman in the News
Border Crisis Update on the Randy Tobler Show – Newstalk St. Louis
Tobler: I don’t know if you’re ready for what we’re going to hear. Every time I talk to Todd Bensman, who’s the senior national security fellow with the Center for Immigration Studies and author of America’s Covert Border War, I get nervous. I thought I got nervous over covid. We’re all nervous about what’s happening at the border in blatant, blatant ignorance of the law. And Todd gets into the … [Read more...] about Border Crisis Update on the Randy Tobler Show – Newstalk St. Louis
On the new SWAT BROTHERS podcast discussing America’s Covert Border War book
Todd Bensman says the mass migration crisis on the southern border has overwhelmed the U.S. border patrol to the point where terrorists may be able to slip through. In Texas, the Department of Public Safety (DPS) state troopers work the banks of the Rio Grande as illegal immigrants flood across. Operation Lone Star is attacking both human smuggling and narcotics trafficking on air, land, and … [Read more...] about On the new SWAT BROTHERS podcast discussing America’s Covert Border War book
Regarding President Biden’s Gift to China’s Spies on the Ed Martin Pro-America Show ‘Read Bensman and Weep’
Bensman column in The National Interest: Joe Biden Just Condemned America to More Chinese Spying ... And Worse Ed Martin: The Biden administration in early July withdrew a 2020 regulation that had been put through. Explain to us what. It’s about certain types of visas? Just give me the thumbnail on this please. Bensman: Anyone who has been paying a little bit of attention to the news knows … [Read more...] about Regarding President Biden’s Gift to China’s Spies on the Ed Martin Pro-America Show ‘Read Bensman and Weep’
In the War Room with Steven Bannon: Democrats Are Inviting The Entire World Over The Border
Bannon: This is outrageous, of what the Biden administration and others are allowing to happen to our country. To our country but particularly to hard-working blue-collar Hispanic workers down in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas and in southern Arizona. Tell us what you got, sir. Bensman: One of the stories that’s out there right now, which is you know, this invasion, some people call it, or … [Read more...] about In the War Room with Steven Bannon: Democrats Are Inviting The Entire World Over The Border
On Secure Freedom Radio Discussing National Security and the Border
Bensman CIS Video Report Cited on Tucker Carlson Tonight
JULY 14, 2021 show: "t’s not a partisan talking point or any kind of exaggeration to say that Joe Biden has opened this country’s borders to the world. Since Biden’s inauguration in January, the Border Patrol has apprehended close to a million foreign nationals coming into this country overland through Mexico. How many people is that? It’s more than live in the entire cities of San … [Read more...] about Bensman CIS Video Report Cited on Tucker Carlson Tonight
Costa Rica-Nicaragua Reporting on KXYL Radio Amarillo
Excerpts from the July 14, 2021 radio interview: Host: Todd, you have spent time down in Central America studying what is going on. And I'd like to hear it from you. What is happening? Bensman: Sure, well most Americans are probably familiar with the border crisis having to do with Central Americans and Mexicans mostly, Spanish-speakers. But there is this whole other aspect of the border … [Read more...] about Costa Rica-Nicaragua Reporting on KXYL Radio Amarillo
On the Debbie Aldrich Show at CPAC Texas – Why Haitian immigrants are committing mass asylum fraud
Excerpts: Debbie: One of the things you mentioned in your last article - you were down in Nicaragua and in Costa Rica. And you met a lot of Haitians. And, you said they actually had jobs where they ended up in a south America country, after their earthquake. And they were doing well. They were thriving. They had nice lives, jobs. But they were coming across the border. Tell me about … [Read more...] about On the Debbie Aldrich Show at CPAC Texas – Why Haitian immigrants are committing mass asylum fraud
Discussing Costa Rica-Nicaragua Reporting with Stacy (Washington) on the Right
Bensman: The problem with Mauritanians and Senegalese and people with all of these other nationalities is that it raises issues of national security. We don't know if the people from Iraq, Syria, Yemen who are coming through there - we don't know who they are. They're probably all some kind of economic migrant or fleeing persecution, but we just don't know that. And when you have a border … [Read more...] about Discussing Costa Rica-Nicaragua Reporting with Stacy (Washington) on the Right