Excerpt: Joyce Kaufman: You can’t say I’m really happy to talk to you because we always have to talk about these horrifying situations and, in particular right now, what’s happening on the border. And you have an article out right now that says, ‘this is what organized mass migration looks and feel like. The media may have left the audience but the show goes on.’ Talk a little bit about what … [Read more...] about On the Joyce Kaufman Show discussing how Mass Migration Looks and Feels at Texas Border
Bensman in the News
On Newsmax’s Rob Schmidt Tonight Show Discussing: VP Harris’s Nation-Building Plan and Mass Migration Crisis
Excerpt: Rob Schmidt: What exactly is this plan? She’s got these big corporations involved in all this. Bensman: Well, the idea is that you have American corporations invest in the economies of these countries and then next month nobody wants to come to the United States anymore. So this is just patently absurd on its face. Because even at the best possible outcome, it would take maybe 20 … [Read more...] about On Newsmax’s Rob Schmidt Tonight Show Discussing: VP Harris’s Nation-Building Plan and Mass Migration Crisis
On Freedom’s Disciple Podcast (Jonathan Dunn) Discussing the Mechanics of Human Smuggling
Jonathan Dunne: “How do we change the narrative in the political sphere? Because I don’t hear many people say, ‘this is the solution, you may not like it – it has good points or bad points.’ But I don’t see many solutions. Is it a hopeless case, or… how do we do it?” Bensman: “Man… I gotta say I think it’s just completely hopeless. I don’t see any permanent comprehensive solution of any kind … [Read more...] about On Freedom’s Disciple Podcast (Jonathan Dunn) Discussing the Mechanics of Human Smuggling
On The Pat Miller Show, WOWO Radio Fort Wayne, Indiana Discussing “Terrible” Border Patrol Morale
Excerpt: Bensman regarding Border Patrol morale: The Border Patrol – the rank and file guys who are on the front lines – you know, their morale is just terrible. I’ve never seen it like this. These are people who are trained to block and interdict and arrest and, you know, they’re cops. They’re badge and gun carrying cops. And they are not allowed to do any of that. They are only allowed to do … [Read more...] about On The Pat Miller Show, WOWO Radio Fort Wayne, Indiana Discussing “Terrible” Border Patrol Morale
On KTRH Houston: Biden Caused this Border Crisis
Immigration experts covering the border situation warn that any new amnesty program would only make the current crisis worse. "Amnesty is never about the current population being amnestied, it's about what that amnesty says to the prospective next population that sees that happen, and is incentivized to come in the hope that they're going to get it next," says Todd Bensman, senior fellow with … [Read more...] about On KTRH Houston: Biden Caused this Border Crisis
The Hill: Reporting about Bensman’s Book, America’s Covert Border War
Border surge includes people from countries other than Central America, highlighting terror threat By Nolen Rappaport, opinion contributor for The Hill, May 18, 2021 The governors of 20 states sent a letter to President Joseph Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris in which they ask them to take action immediately on the crisis at the southern border. According to … [Read more...] about The Hill: Reporting about Bensman’s Book, America’s Covert Border War
On Ruben (Navarette) in the Center Podcast Discussing America’s Covert Border War book
Bensman: Let me just explain the way it works. A great example is Iran. We have plenty of Iranians who cross the southern border. But Iran as a state does not conduct terror attacks inside the United States, on the homeland. There are things that they do mostly having to do with espionage. So the intelligence community regards Iranians crossing the border as potential spies for the regime. And so … [Read more...] about On Ruben (Navarette) in the Center Podcast Discussing America’s Covert Border War book
At the Border, On Just the News (Real America’s Voice)
On Sebastian Gorka’s new Newsmax Show: Expect More Angel Moms Soon
Excerpt: Bensman: "A major issue is that it’s almost impossible to vet these people to see if they’re already criminals coming in. This month and last month, we had 40,000 gotaways. These are people who were not apprehended at all. They just skipped right through our thinning membrane of Border Patrol defense into the interior of the country. We have no idea who they are. And even the ones who … [Read more...] about On Sebastian Gorka’s new Newsmax Show: Expect More Angel Moms Soon
On Pastor’s Point of View Discussing America’s Covert Border War Book
With Pastor Andy Woods of Sugarland, Texas Bible Church on his Pastor's Point of View Youtube show, published May 8, 2021. … [Read more...] about On Pastor’s Point of View Discussing America’s Covert Border War Book