BENSMAN: Texas, here in Austin, and all along the border, has been ground zero for the greatest mass migration crisis in human history. Texas is taking the biggest hit, the largest torrents of humanity crossing that southern border. And the governor of Texas is doing what he can — which is limited, in a legal way — to just block them at the river’s edge.
Especially right there at ground zero’s ground zero, Eagle Pass, right across from Piedras Negras. It’s a superhighway, an expressway for the mass migration. We just saw a couple weeks ago 5,000 come across, right there. And they just overwhelm the Texas forces there, to get at the green uniformed Border Patrol agents who are stationed right there, with a processing center, a field processing center. All the immigrants have [the location] pinned on their cell phone maps, to go right there…. I don’t blame Governor Abbott from removing the processing center from the very easiest accessible spot on the river in that area….
My understanding is that the Texans are letting the federals in there just to get their equipment and leave. They will not let them in there to do any more processing in this particular area. Texas officials that I’ve talked to tell me that they understand that the immigrants and the feds that let them in are just going to move downstream a few miles — five or ten miles, or however long they have to walk. But it’s just not going to be as easy. They say they don’t want to make it that easy for them, make it harder.