Bensman column in The National Interest: Joe Biden Just Condemned America to More Chinese Spying … And Worse
Ed Martin: The Biden administration in early July withdrew a 2020 regulation that had been put through. Explain to us what. It’s about certain types of visas? Just give me the thumbnail on this please.
Bensman: Anyone who has been paying a little bit of attention to the news knows that for the last year and a half the FBI has been rolling up Chinese student spy after Chinese student spy. These guys are in all of our top universities on F-1 and J visas. These are cultural exchange visas and student visas. And they are members of the Chinese military intelligence services and siphoning out all of our best and greatest secrets, research and cutting edge defense information and material right to the Chinese Communist Party. And we’ve been catching them left and right, left and right, left and right. So President Trump figured we need to fix this and put in a regulation that would require face-to-face interviews with J and F visa holders periodically. There’s nothing now. That’s how they were able to take advantage of it. And to collect biometrics and make sure they’re still doing their programs. And be able to do eyeball-to-eyeball interviews. And this thing was right on the cusp of approval. I mean, this was great apolitical governance, great homeland security … apolitical… nonpartisan. And Joe Biden just killed it. Shot it down. Spiked it. It’s gone now so we’re back to square one with the Chinese spies. And also F-1 visa holders who are from Islamic terror countries. We just had an F-1 visa holder stab a rabbi in the arm about 30 times. Almost killed him.
Regarding the Bensman series from the Costa Rica-Nicaragua border:
Ed Martin: Ok, let’s move over the Costa Rica and this recent piece you filed, On the Migrant Trail in Costa Rica. It sounds like a travelogue. Walk us through what you’re seeing. Take us through the video dynamic. That’s a very helpful dynamic that you’re doing.
Bensman: Listen, most Americans view the border crisis, the meltdown that’s happening now, as involving primarily Central Americans. But there’s another sharply escalating kind of immigrant not from Central America or Mexico or speak Spanish, even. They’re from all over the world. From Islamic countries and from African countries that are torn by tribal warfare. These people are coming through a very long trail that leads them out of South America and then through Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua right to our border. That trail is humming right now. It’s absolutely congested with people who heard about the Biden border. They’re rushing to get in on it. So I decided to go down to the Nicaragua-Costa Rica border, the border right there where they surface. And there I watched it unfold. I met immigrants from the Islamic Republic of Mauritania and from Senegal and from Eritrea. And lots of Haitians and Cubans and really from all over the world coming right through there. And there’s a very obvious national security implication. There were 50,000 in May and probably more in June. That’s a 700 percent increase over the same time a year ago. And a four-fold increase of those kinds of migrants in just the last four or five months since the Biden administration took office.
It’s happening in the wide open. Costa Rica does nothing about it. Panama does nothing about it. Panama actually buses them up toward us, and the Costa Ricans just allow it to happen as long as none of them are staying there. The video is me with the smugglers, on the border with immigrants, paying off Nicaraguan soldiers. And with the smugglers taking immigrants for pay – they let me travel along with them – to unofficial smuggling towns that have cropped up right on the border because business is so booming. Everybody’s making money down there and nobody cares about it. Kamala Harris will never go to this area. I promise you that. And neither will most of the US media.