See: Sky-High Illegal Border Crossings are Dropping Fast and Here’s Why
BENSMAN: The border has changed. Remember the shuttle diplomacy of December 22, when Biden went [to Mexico], and then on the 27th Mayorkas and Blinken went down there? Well, nobody told us what the deal was, but they cut a deal. We still don’t know the details of it. But we now see the fruit of it, politically, for the Biden administration and for AMLO.
Mexico is involved in a massive crackdown at their northern border with ours, rounding up thousands and thousands of immigrants so that they can’t cross in as high numbers, and shipping them by bus and airplane down to Via Hermosa and Tapachula, Mexico. They’re creating a new Gaza Strip down there, basically, and trying to hem in hundreds of thousands coming through there so they can’t reach our border. They are bulldozing migrant camps all along our border. They’re digging anti-pedestrian trenches — these are the Mexicans. They are shutting down the freight trains, the cargo trains. I did a lot of reporting one year ago about how those freight trains were responsible for hundreds of thousands reaching our border quickly, cheaply and easily, but that nobody was doing anything about it.
Well, now the Mexicans are blockading a whole bunch of the train cargo depots down there and pulling [people] off, and shipping them down to their Gaza Strip in the south. The result of this — remember, just a few weeks ago we were having 12,000 [to] 15,000 a day, monumental numbers crossing over that border. Now, in January, they’ve tamped it down to a still-catastrophic 5,000 and 6,000 a day. Sixty and seventy percent off. My sources tell me that this deal is good through December of this year, which just gets us past the election. That this is a political deal. #AMLO has signed off on this.
We don’t know if money has changed hands, yet, nobody is reporting or talking about what we had to pay AMLO to do this. But the posse needs to understand — the American public needs to understand — that this is a temporary, fake fix for political purposes. And it’s not real. I don’t believe, when they start doing victory laps — ‘oh look we’ve got the numbers down’ — that anybody should give a pass on that. Because 5,000 a day is a monumental crisis, 6,000 a day is a monumental crisis.
And what are we paying AMLO for this? […] What I’m hearing is that Lankford is negotiating directly with Alejandro Mayorkas. That’s the last person any republican should be — he’s the arsonist, Mayorkas. That Lankford is not interested in talking to people like me, or to former Trump officials like Mark Morgan or Tom Homan, people who have a perspective on this. […] My piece that shows how the border has changed in a major way […] will go through, chapter and verse, a whole range of very aggressive Mexican anti-immigration movement moves all over Mexico that the U.S. media has not reported, not one time, anywhere. […] I would definitely pass this one around to your senators and congressmen who are going to be tricked and fooled into thinking that things are kind of under control. […] One thing to watch for in all these deals, there’s never a mention of physical deportation. What’s the plan at 5,001? Never. You will not see that because whatever deal they strike, there will be no enforcement, there will be only loopholes.