Excerpt, Todd Bensman:
“Last Thursday, there was a terror attack in Sweden, an Afghan migrant who pulled a knife and went on another one of these slashing sprees. And this is just another one in a very, very long, six-year long trail of jihadist attacks by migrants who infiltrated over the EU’s external common borders. We saw this first with the Paris attacks of November 2014 and then in Brussels, but it didn’t stop there. They were all conducted by border-infiltrating jihadists who came in among greater numbers of camouflaging migrants there, all of which were invited in by the European leaders who became their victims later, under a kind of weird ideology about no borders and multi-culturalism and a kind of globalism. I just point this out because we also have people coming from the Middle East, through the Darien Gap… There are thousands who are coming through that region right now toward the US border, facilitated by that very same multi-culturalist ideology by the Biden administration. And so there are very sharp, pointed parallels between what happened in Europe and what’s happening now. But we have six years of benefit of a laboratory experiment in Europe that they’re just squandering.”