April 9, 2021
Bensman: “For one thing the President of the United States and all of his people can stop inviting them in. The last internationally televised press conference, the President told the entire world of aspiring migrants that there would be no child left behind, nobody left in Mexico, so of course they’re coming and they will continue to come in even larger numbers every time someone in the administration says something like this, they. Will. Come. I think the president has himself boxed into a corner here because under no circumstance, politically, could the Biden administration reinstitute Remain in Mexico or returning families back to Mexico under the glare of television cameras and that sort of thing. They’ve got themselves boxed in. He’s got to pay attention to the left wing of his party. They clearly hold sway. There’s tremendous influence there. I think he’s stuck with what they set up. That’s where we are, unfortunately, we are going to see a nonstop cavalcade of children and families coming over that border. And border buses, charter buses for all four corners of the country.”
Jillian: Where does that leave us going forward?
Bensman: An unending stream in escalating numbers showing a trendline that just goes ever skyward. Unfortunately. Unless they have a change of heart and reinstitute some of these measures. We’ve heard the president has tried to get the Mexican government to maintain its national guard in a cordon on its southern border with Guatemala. But obviously that’s not working. I’ve interviewed a lot of migrants on my last trip to Mexico who gave me five different ways that they’re beating the national guard down there in south Mexico. And that’s because the policies Trump had down there worked with the national guard cordon. So just the national guard without the Trump policies won’t work. So even that is sort of a fail.”