“I say believe your eyes, not what they’re saying. It’s not a challenge or small crisis; it’s a really big and escalating crisis. It’s really an extraordinary, historic event shaping up for the United States. I have to go with what the migrants actually say. The reason that they give for coming now. I’ve interviewed a great many migrants in Mexico, and Guatemala and further south the south for a year, year and a half .. and what they tell me is that it’s Joe Biden and before that the Democrats promising to outdo one another – you know, the candidates for the Democratic nomination before Joe Biden were just promising to outdo one another about who was going to be the most open, the most embracing, and give the most stuff and do the most welcoming for the world of aspiring illegal immigrants. They heard that. They hear that. They’re listening. Their antennae are always up. And so they heard it and came. I mean, they’ll tell you that. So I’m going with them, sorry.”