Tucker Carlson: I don’t understand the American response. I mean, if a group of people you didn’t know who looked threatening showed up at your house, you wouldn’t let them in. I mean, you can’t come in, it’s my house! Why are we letting anyone in? Why not let Mexico deal with it?
Bensman: A better solution, which is to have Panama and Costa Rica deal with this. I have been advocating for quite a while that – because Panama IS the smuggler. The government of Panama is the smuggler. They provide food, shelter, hospitality camps and arrange all the busing and everything to Costa Rica. And the Costa Ricans have been doing the same. It’s called ‘controlled flow.’ And I have been advocating for a long time – cause this is a national security threat when you have people coming Afghanistan, which they do through that border, that’s an issue that can be stopped much earlier than Mexico with repatriation flights and an end to controlled flow. I was just in Costa Rica a couple of months ago on this very trail, and I saw very, very heavy traffic. I met Mauritanians, Senegalese… I met Eritreans. I mean, you name it, they are coming through in very large, heavy numbers. Costa Rica does nothing. They ALLOW it to happen. And the Panamanians are the smuggler.
Tucker: Yup. End of America; that’s not an overstatement.