Excerpts from the April 14 interview with Gary Jeff Walker WLW Radio Cincinnati
Regarding the Biden-Mexico Deal
Bensman: “It is true that the Biden administration, really from the beginning of the term, was asking Mexico to keep its national guard deployment from the Trump era in place. On its border. Now they’ve cut some kind of a deal. It’s a very mysterious deal because we don’t know what we’re giving Mexico. Nobody will say it. But Mexico’s going to add about a thousand extra troops, it looks like, to make it 10,000, on its southern border with Guatemala. Guatemala is going to put out about 1,500 militarized police on its border, and Honduras is going to break up caravans that might try to form up there. So that is something. However, I was recently in Mexico, and I wondered how all of those immigrants that were on the northern border, preparing to come in, got past the national guard deployment down there. And they told me about five different ways that they very easily beat that deployment, got right by it. And I had to conclude that the reason why this deployment won’t work is because it is missing the two main Trump policies – Remain in Mexico and the deportations to Guatemala that were going on. Those depressed the overall numbers. The Biden administration got rid of those two policies. They worked very well in conjunction with the troop deployment. But without those two policies, the troop deployments are sort of hanging out there like a three-legged stool with only one leg now. So it doesn’t work.”
GJW: So they’re trying to look like they’re doing something because they’re getting kick-back now, even from supporters of the Biden administration of what’s been happening because it’s a total nightmare, and I think you would agree it’s a total nightmare what’s going on.
Bensman: “Yeah, it’s terrible. They’re just pouring – pouring – over the border without any sort of brake. What the issue really is, is that they (Biden administration) don’t understand how important the Trump push-back policies were in deterring the numbers. What they did was replace those push-back policies with push-forward policies, encouraging parents to send their children and bring their families to the border because they are being richly rewarded with entry. That is the opposite of push-back. That’s push-forward. Or pull-forward. And they’re incentivized to defeat the military deployment down there. One of the ways is that they’re just bribing their way through. Another way is that they come up to a road block and leave the road for a few hundred yards and go around it and come back to the road. They’re flanking these road blocks. I talked to one immigrant who said his family did it nine different times until they were through.”
GJW: Wow.
Bensman: “Some of them who have a little bit of money are flying over the troop deployment and landing in Mexico City. They’re just flying past it all. And even worse, there’s a branch of the Mexican government that’s just handing out humanitarian visas. And I look at those as flash passes. They get these humanitarian visas in a couple days and just flash them at the national guard and they get waved through. So the left hand in Mexico doesn’t know what the right hand is doing. The whole thing is sort of absurd.”