Listen to the March 12, 2021 show below
Excerpt from the Bensman interview:
“For the most part, they’re waving the migrants right through the turnstile. You can see video of large groups, five people abreast in lines that go back endlessly into the horizon, and they’re just methodically boating them over the Rio Grande right in front of Border Patrol, with the smugglers wearing the masks and everything 10 feet from the Border Patrol agents. And they just let them go back and get more and go back and get more, and then they just kind of bring them in and then take them all to the bus station. That’s the Biden policy. It certainly defies any idea that we are interested in controlling borders like all other countries on Earth do and always have. We’ve got to probably be one of the only countries in the world that doesn’t at least pretend to want to control its borders. That’s what nations do. That’s what makes nations nations, that they have external borders with rules for those who live inside and different rules for those who want to get inside. It is what it is. This is the administration we have. There are votes, and elections have consequences, and that’s what happened.”