WWL Radio New Orleans April 14, 2021
Bensman: What’s going on is that the Biden administration realizes that it has a major crisis on the southern border and that short of returning to Trump’s policies, which were very effective at controlling that cross-border traffic, they’ve gone to the Mexicans and Central Americans and asked them to keep that Trump policy. Which was a big Mexican national guard troop deployment on its southern border to shut down the traffic there. And also Honduras and Guatemala apparently have agreed to deploy police forces. The issue is, as I reported a week or two ago, in speaking with actual migrants about how they were able to get past that deployment, that they are able to just waft right through it. It’s ineffective without the other Trump policies, the push-back, turn-back policies. It only worked well as long as there weren’t too many people trying to breach through the Mexican troop deployment. But now, with the Biden administration reversing those and pretty much inviting everybody in, there is determination and enthusiasm to breach that Mexican troop cordon. I’ve been there with the Mexican troops, so I know a little bit about it. There are five different methods that I outline in my piece about how the immigrants are getting through the Mexican troop deployment. So it’s really just smoke and mirrors in my view.
Do we believe the Biden administration is finally embracing this notion of crisis?
Bensman: “I don’t think that they’ll ever publicly embrace it, like with a trip by the vice president to the border. She’s supposed to be the czar of this border security issue. She doesn’t want to go down there. They don’t want to call it a crisis. They say they think it’s under control in their official pronouncements. But it is a crisis. Just wait until the numbers for April come out. It’s going to be well over 200,000, maybe the highest in American history in any given month. And then wait til May. And June. This thing is only escalating. I don’t know how their messaging is going to be then. I know they probably don’t want it to happen. I want to think that they don’t want this to be happening. But on the other hand, maybe they do want it. I don’t know.
It was all just so predictable. I just find it hard to believe that a bunch of smart people in Washington on the Democrat side didn’t see this coming. It was very obvious to those of us who watch the border and pay attention to illegal immigration, trends and patterns. That when you tell the entire world that you’re going to end deportations for a hundred days, at least – renewable – (chuckle) and that you’re going to citizenship and then you actually do those things.. And you’re going to allow all children in. And you say it out loud, no child left behind in Mexico, at an internationally televised presidential press conference. And you’re the president of the United States… What do you expect? I mean, those people have cell phones. They watch television. They can hear and see you.
Only the most naïve dimwits think that foreign aid actually goes to the purposes for which they are given. Career diplomats and academics understand this well, that foreign aid is not actually used for the stated purposes. It’s used to buy off governments to do our bidding. It’s used to achieve particular objectives, for US interests. Sometimes it works. As a carrot it can work but it’s not a guaranteed thing. The way it works is that you give money to, say, the president of Honduras and he stays in power by giving that money to his cronies and powerful interests in his country and making sure they stay on board with him. It’s about ensuring the power base for those governments. And diplomats know that. The State Department over here understands that it’s a very cynical but necessary way of doing business. But nobody should ever really believe the actual stated purpose of the money, which might be to build up the judiciary or improve the internal affairs investigative processes at the Tegucigalpa police department. All of that is just ridiculous.