Brian Mudd: On a scale of 1-10, how big is this crisis?
Bensman: “Oh, this is an 11. This goes up to 11 (chuckling). This is, as you said earlier, something truly historic. We are just in the very beginning of it. The Biden administration seems to be perfectly fine with it and is doing more each day to enable and enhance and facilitate it. And nothing at all to suppress or deter it. So I think by the time all is said and done, we will have seen something truly different happen at the border, with just millions and millions of people crossing in and being allowed to stay. You know, whole city-sized populations emptying out of the northern triangle countries. And I really hope that I’m wrong, that somebody can point back to this conversation and recording and say, ‘he was wrong!’ But I don’t think that’s going to be the case.
These are people who are going to have to have schools and some means of support and also … access to medical health care. So, by the time this is over, I think the average American will feel this first in their school systems. There will have to be port-o-classrooms built – modules expanded onto school properties that will accommodate the high volume of children that are being encouraged to cross right now. So you’ll get that right away. And then you’ll see that probably next year in your school tax rate because you have to hire teachers and personnel to accommodate this massive number of children coming in. It’s just that everything has secondary and third effects that are slightly delayed behind the busing.